Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 8 -- Seeking After God

Part 1

Part 2

Class Notes

Women’s PowerWALK Wednesday
Live a Praying Life: Open Your Life to God’s Power and Provision
Week Eight: Seeking After God
March 2, 2011

I. I Corinthians 9; Joshua 24 

II. Spiritual Disciplines 

III. Culturally-Based Killers of Spirituality 

IV.  Clearing the Culture-Created Smoke
A. Get Into the Word, Get Out of the World 

B. Chill Out 

C. Fast! 

D. Be United With Your Church Family

V. Discussion Groups

VI. PowerWALK Challenge:
A. WALK through Week Eight of our prayer study.
B. Pray that God open the eyes of your heart to understand His purposes for prayer in your life.