Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 1 -- The Purpose of Prayer

Class Notes

Women’s PowerWALK Wednesday
Live a Praying Life: Open Your Life to God’s Power and Provision
Week One: God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will
December 8th, 2010

I. Jeremiah 29:11-14a, Ephesians 2:4-5
II. Foundation Built on Truth

III. God’s Detailed Plans
IV. Discussion Groups Questions:
A. What does it mean that God is sovereign? How does this affect your approach to prayer?

B. Since God is all-knowing, then what is the purpose in praying?
C. What are some ways in which our powerful God accomplish His will through prayer?
D. Discuss Jeremiah 29:11-14a and Ephesians 2:4-5. What do these two verses tell us of God’s Sovereignty and of His plans for us?
V. PowerWALK Challenge:
            A. Pray that God opens your heart and mind to understanding the purpose of prayer.
            B. Pray for God to guide us as we begin this power study in prayer.
            C. Memorize Psalm 25:4-5
            D. WALK through Week One of our study guide this week.

Examples of God’s Detailed Plans in Scripture
1. Esther
            A. The edict agreeing to the annihilation of the Jews was written on the 13th day of Nisan.           
            B. The Jewish Passover was always held on the 14th day of Nisan.
            C. The edict was written on the 13th day, and began to be distributed on the 14th.
            D. The edict hit the provinces of Persia on exactly the day observing Jewish households were preparing their tables for Passover. That very evening at dusk, in accordance with God’s command, the fathers were to recount to their families the story of Israel’s deliverance from the mighty Egyptians. From an eternal perspective, God was reminding His people that He was in control. “Remember how I delivered you from Pharaoh? I’ll do the same thing now.” It was by no coincidence that the edict was revealed on the 14th. It was part of the divine plan.

2. Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father.
            A. Luke 1:8-10
            B. 400 years of silence since God had spoken to His people when Gabriel spoke to Zechariah.
            C. Zechariah was a priest. Each of the 24 divisions of priests served in the temple for one week twice a year and at major festivals. An individual priest could offer the incense at the daily sacrifice only once in his lifetime. Zechariah’s only turn had come.
            D. It was no coincidence that the lot fell to Zechariah at that time. God had chosen him and Elizabeth to have a son, John the Baptist. The timing was upon them, and for the first time in 400 years, God sent a message to relay His word.
3. Tabernacle
            A. Numbers chapters 1 & 2
            B. Heavenly view of tabernacle with tribes surrounding it outlines a cross. Now that’s detail!