Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Week 3 -- The Necessity of Prayer

Class Notes
Women’s PowerWALK Wednesday
Live a Praying Life: Open Your Life to God’s Power and Provision
Week Three: The Necessity of Prayer
December 29th, 2010

I. Psalm 106:23; Ezekiel 22:30
II. God has chosen to accomplish His will on Earth by working through His people.
III. Knowing God through prayer.

IV. PowerWALK Challenge: A. WALK through Week Three of our study guide.
B. Pray that God open the eyes of your heart to understand His purposes for prayer in your life.

Lyrics to Christmas Anthem by Michael W. SmithIn the space of the beginning was the living Word of Light.
When this Word was clearly spoken, all that came to be was right.
All creation had a language. Words to say what must be said.
All day long the heavens whispered, signing words in scarlet red.

Some have failed to understand it, so God spoke His final Word.
On a silent night in Judah's Hills a baby's cry was heard.

“Glory!” sang the angel chorus, “Glory!” echoed back the night.
“Love has come to walk among us. Christ the Lord is born this night!”

All creation sing His praises!
Earth and heaven praise His name!
All who live come join the chorus.
Find the words His love proclaim!
Find the words His love proclaim!