Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Week 2 -- The Definition of Prayer

Class Notes

Women’s PowerWALK Wednesday
Live a Praying Life: Open Your Life to God’s Power and Provision
Week Two: The Definition of Prayer
December 15th, 2010

I. Matthew 6:8; 25-34
II. Prayer Is A Relationship, Not An Activity
When prayer is viewed as an activity….
1. We do not see His purposes or appreciate His provision, His love, His power, or how He is working in our lives or in a certain situation.

2. We do not trust Him fully.

3. We inhibit His Spirit from fully working in us and through us.

4. Our lives are void of the adventure that comes from uniting with Him in His work.

III. Foundational Points1. God is the Creator of prayer.

2. God has put His Spirit within us.

3. God is trust-worthy and faithful.

IV. PowerWALK Challenge: A. WALK through Week Two of our study guide.
B. Pray that God open the eyes of your heart to understand His purposes for prayer in your life.